

Board and committees

The Board of Directors is made up of representatives of the Waanyi people and MMG Century. The Directors meet quarterly to review the operations of the Company. The Board approves the strategic and annual operations plans which include financial budgets, maintenance programs and capital expenditure.

The current Directors include:

Derek Aplin

Rodney Connolly

Eunice O'Keefe

Tony O'Keefe

Patrick Walta

Glen Willetts

The Board has delegated certain responsibilities to an executive sub-committee. The executive sub-committee comprises of several Directors and Company Officers and is responsible for dealing with specific issues and tasks as delegated by the board. The Board directs the executive sub-committee to undertake key negotiations and attend to other business.

The Board has an adopted policy manual which reflects the current composition of committees, responsibilities and delegations.

The Board undertakes periodic external reviews of its own performance.

Management structure

The General Manager is responsible for ensuring the smooth functioning of the Company’s operational activities.

The day to day operations on Lawn Hill and Riversleigh Stations are managed by the Lawn Hill Station Manager. Riversleigh Station is the responsibility of the Riversleigh Overseer.

Operational responsibilities are displayed below: